Luke Manning

Luke Anthony Manning
Date Eagle Rank Earned: March 14, 2023
Favorite Merit Badge: Wilderness Survival is the merit badge I am most proud of (the memory of sleeping overnight on a little river island filled with spiders still haunts me).
Though Metalworking is a close second because it allowed me to use tools that I would never have been able to handle on my own and I enjoyed manipulating the metal into anything I wanted.
Favorite Scouting Memory: The Troop 12 Philmont venture of 2022 is by far my favorite scouting memory so far, with Goblin Valley State Park standing out particularly as an unexpected and delightful surprise. I got to enjoy two weeks of backpacking with all my friends and saw some amazing natural wonders.
How has Scouting influenced your life?: Scouting has been with me since I was six years old. It has introduced me to some of my oldest friends and opened my eyes to countless opportunities and experiences that I would not have had access to if not for the scouting program. I would not be who I am today if not for scouting.